Neighborhood Watch App
Neighborhood watch app, AKA neighbourhood crime watch DEMO, or call a Neighborhood Watch app & System expert at (800) 825-6858
Neighborhood watch apps add an effective level of security to any community. This neighborhood crime watch app rises to a new level by offering safety services to THE ENTIRE COMMUNITY. Whether it be an actual neighborhood (HOA, gated community, condominiums, apartments, residential high-rise), or a business complex, factory or mall—where it may be called a Crime Watch System—a neighborhood watch app and system software will aid in the deterrence of local crime and, with the best neighborhood watch apps, even serve to bring perpetrators to swift justice.
Unlike other Neighborhood Watch Apps, this neighborhood watch alert system is designed to be managed by a security company, or a property management company, or a business administrator, or for any application where the people in your care might need to alert you of certain circumstances. That security company, property management company, or business administrator can simply disperse the app to whatever residents, employees or personnel they wish, and monitor all submissions in real time. And, do it at a much more affordable, cost-effective price-point! Users, meanwhile, can access the GuardMetrics neighborhood watch app from an Android, iPhone, or any smart device.
Regardless of the other aspects of your security system—on-site security officers, the closeness of the local police station, a gated community, etc.—the addition of the entire neighborhood or business community working together on watch for each other, and the neighborhood or business property in general, can only help crime prevention and recovery.
Call to discuss the GuardMetrics Neighborhood Watch App to add an effective level of security to your residential or business community.

Neighborhood Watch is NOT the same thing as vigilantism, which is taking the law into your own hands. Interfering with a crime in progress, or even making yourself obviously in surveillance of said crime, is dangerous, even for professionals. For this reason, the job of the neighborhood watch aspect of security is to discreetly alert on-site security, and/or the police of security concerns, and let the professional on-site security officers and law enforcement officers do the jobs that they are trained to do.
The unique GuardMetrics “Community Security” watch app strategically combines three important facets of local residential and/ or business community security: Security Concern, Visitor Notification, and Vacation Watch.
Call us about this Neighborhood Watch App and system software, including electronic Visitor Notification and Vacation Watch.
The best neighborhood crime watch app for your community must be determined by what “best” means to you and your specific community needs. I, for example, have a “Ring” door bell” that I like very much. But at the price point of this app, if a property management company wanted to provide every resident or employee with it, the cost would easily be over $100,000 for a sizable community. And the Ring app, and “Nextdoor” app, while great for their purposes, are not designed for the same community-wide communication purposes. By these standards, the GuardMetrics neighborhood crime watch app would seem to be best neighborhood crime watch app for entire communities.
So COST is the simple reason why every community does not offer an electronic neighborhood watch system, despite the fact that it would be a HUGE selling tool for that community. It is simply not affordable, cost-effective or even financially possible. Reason: Other neighborhood watch apps are sold to individuals. The GuardMetrics Neighborhood Crime Watch System, on the other hand, can be acquired for a tiny fraction of the cost–including an entire security officer management system–and is built SPECIFICALLY for community-wide use!
This “Visitor Notification” piece of the neighborhood watch app allows residents or employees to report to whatever parties you wish about expected visitors. This is particularly useful in a guard-gate community system, or lobby. The user simply touches the Visitor Notification option, fills in the simple, relevant fields and, upon touching “Submit”, whoever you have assigned to receive the notification receives it in real-time; from on-site security to HOAs or business management. Visitor Notification adds another layer to the GuardMetrics Visitor Management System as well.
Vacation Watch is an important part of a Neighborhood Watch app, and is often overlooked. With the GuardMetrics neighborhood watch system, your residents (or any other local community application that this will serve for you) can send details to on-site security and/or HOA property management regarding their planned vacation, with dates and important security related details. Your on-site security and/ or management then knows to handle that temporarily vacant location accordingly.
Neighborhood Watch apps are a proven crime deterrent and GuardMetrics has a solution for you.

Neighborhood watch apps add an effective level of security to any community. This neighborhood crime watch app rises to a new level by offering safety services to THE ENTIRE COMMUNITY. Whether it be an actual neighborhood (HOA, gated community, condominiums, apartments, residential high-rise), or a business complex, factory or mall—where it may be called a Crime Watch System—a neighborhood watch app and system software will aid in the deterrence of local crime and, with the best neighborhood watch apps, even serve to bring perpetrators to swift justice.
Unlike other Neighborhood Watch Apps, this neighborhood watch alert system is designed to be managed by a security company, or a property management company, or a business administrator, or for any application where the people in your care might need to alert you of certain circumstances. That security company, property management company, or business administrator can simply disperse the app to whatever residents, employees or personnel they wish, and monitor all submissions in real time. And, do it at a much more affordable, cost-effective price-point! Users, meanwhile, can access the GuardMetrics neighborhood watch app from an Android, iPhone, or any smart device.
Regardless of the other aspects of your security system—on-site security officers, the closeness of the local police station, a gated community, etc.—the addition of the entire neighborhood or business community working together on watch for each other, and the neighborhood or business property in general, can only help crime prevention and recovery.
SECURITY CONCERN is the primary piece of this neighborhood crime watch app, providing residents, employees, specific staff, etc., with the ability to notify local, on-premises security of community watch related security concerns. This is where this software began with GuardMetrics, years ago. The GuardMetrics crime watch app has served our security officer business clients, HOAs, and businesses directly, with great success.
If you are a security guard company, a built-in neighborhood crime watch system for residents or employees provides your customers with an additional and powerful level of security that 95+% of your competitors cannot offer! GuardMetrics is very pleased to say that this digital neighbourhood crime watch system is built-in to the guard tour system and available to any of your security guard service customers that you wish to share the app with. Very simply, an employee or resident given access to the system can login from anywhere, and from any device, with a password and username assigned to that site. That resident can then dictate, or type, a brief description of their security concern and click submit. That alert then goes to an email address that you designate, to alert you in real-time, along with any personnel or stakeholders that you include, on your mobile devices.
And the same is true of an HOA, property management company or corporate management business! How beneficial would it be when a potential resident or employee comes for an interview and is told that they will have this wonderful safety addition to their residency or employment?
DEMO this employee crime reporting and residential crime watch system that will set you above the competition!
Allowing an employee of a company or government facility, or a resident of an HOA, condo, or apartment, etc. to submit a security alert is not common. The technology involved has been over-complicated and so the price point has been driven up. This kind of technology is now generally available only in large corporations that have a million-dollar PSIM system in place, in which employee incident reporting is a small part.
So, now you can affordably deliver an electronic crime watch system app and security alert abilities for concerned residents or employees as part of your security services! And this question is for security guard companies: If your company is able to bring electronic neighborhood crime watch alert capabilities to the table, and still keep your price-point near your competitors, how will that increase the likelihood of you winning the bid!
Provide better security with residential & employee reporting through this digital crime watch app!
What about identity/ anonymity concerns? Studies (and common sense) have shown that folks are a lot more likely to report a security concern if they aren’t afraid that police and/ or security will be knocking on their door to get more details. This thinking is logical, of course, as the very neighbor that they may be reporting may be watching from their window.
The GuardMetrics neighborhood watch security alert app has only two required fields, as shown on this page. The first field, where the resident or employee can include their apartment number, or phone number, or department, etc., is optional. If the individual would like a call and doesn’t fear reprisal, then they are welcome to dictate some information there. The second field requires simply a “building K parking lot” or some general location description. Then, a brief dictation of the concern. The resident or employee can even attach a picture with one click (imagine that!), and touch “submit”! The whole process can be done in a matter of seconds, making for a safer residential or workplace community for all. It’s that easy!
Call today to provide employee & resident reporting and security alerts with this state-of-the-art neighborhood crime watch system!
So, who can benefit from a neighborhood watch app with a built in Vacation Watch system and Visitor Notification features?
- Employees or managers of corporations
- Residents of HOAs (Home Owner Associations)
- Tenants of a High Rise, an Apartment Complex, or Condos
- Teachers in schools
- Store owners or managers in shopping malls
- ANYONE who has a community of any sort can now have an electronic neighborhood watch system!
According to the National Crime Prevention Council, Neighborhood Watch is one of the “most effective” crime deterrent programs there is. And the Bureau of Justice offers a very detailed and helpful manual HERE. Again, while there are numerous accounts of how neighborhood watch saved the day, there are also too many stories of someone with the best intentions, but without proper training and licensing, coming to harm by physically interfering with a dangerous situation. Please encourage your community to use discretion and leave any physical encounters necessary to security and law enforcement professionals.
Neighborhood Watch and Crime Watch SIGNS are also a good idea. A quick search online offers a huge variety of Neighbourhood Watch and Crime Watch signs; from free, to reasonable.